Channel your originality.
An inspiring stream of ideas, immersed in euphoria.


Packaged Eighths

Shape. Explore. Make.

Experience the best of both worlds. A perfect balance of euphoria and relaxation. The Creative family contains some of the most popular strains in the world. Can provide a wider range of effects than other strains, so take notes!

“Being a single mother of 2 and maintaining a full-time job can make it very difficult to manifest the energy to immerse myself into my children’s world of fun, let alone find time for myself. A puff or two of FLWR’s Creative Hybrid and I’m off! What I enjoy most from smoking Creative is the being able to destress from the day while engaging their growing minds.” — A.D.



Be mindful, cannabis’ chemical composition varies between each and every plant, even within the same strain. In conjunction, every consumer also has a unique chemical composition. Due to this, effects may vary. It is recommended to find what works best for you. Ask your budtender or reach out to us for questions.

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